Furious Writing?

At the start of January I had what I can only assume to be ‘New Year Bluster’, that renewed sense of possibility and excitement that I think most people get at the beginning of a new chapter in their life. I set some lofty goals, that in hindsight, would have been easily achievable if motivation wasn’t something that ebbs and flows.

In putting off writing another blog entry and finishing my first draft of ‘Untitled Fantasy Novel’, I’ve ruined my list of goals in that first month.

But the Earth keeps spinning.

So better late than never, here are some more words from me, to me. What have I been doing instead? Getting inspired by other ideas and exploring those. First off is a project I'm just referring to as a Cyberpunk Romance. I’ve never written romance before, let alone read it. So I checked out some other work from my critiquing group. I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just going for it. It’ll be a short story that will likely see the light of day never. Maybe I end up writing a super sexy scene and get too embarrassed. Who knows.

Second project is several ideas that were bouncing around in my head that found it’s grounding in the latest episode of Last Podcast on the Left. The framework is a fantasy world of warring factions in a war torn state. Told from a king giving his memoir to his scribe, and a rebel leader pushed to his limit by roving bands of armies and mercenaries. The link I needed to push this forward was the everyday life of peasants in France during the 100 Year War. It’s depressing as hell but if I approach it from a secondary fantasy setting, I can potentially make it a little less so.

The other thing I did was get excited about my shout out for this blog entry, the Furious Fiction competition run by the Australian Writers’ Centre.

It’s free!

It’s now back to a monthly competition of 500 word flash fiction with $500 prize for the winner and 55 hours to complete it. There are prompts/rules to follow and I have really enjoyed it over the last few years. I think I’ve written around 20 stories for the competition to date and I love the challenge. March’s prompts were the below, and what I created was a tale of a Monster Energy drinking dickhead.

  • Your story must include a CHAIR of some sort.

  • Your story must include the words ALBUM, BRIGHT and CLICK.

  • Your story must include a character who has to make a CHOICE between two things.

After the results are released I’ll revise it a little and then share it with you unsuspecting fools.

In conclusion, I didn’t stick to my goals, but I did other things (being a dad of 2 kids takes up a bit of time). And I will still finish that first draft. I only have about 7 chapters to go. I think.

Take care of yourself.

xoxo Gossip Girl.


The Wise Man’s Fear


NaNoWriMo Wrap-up